Sunday, January 15, 2012


Have you ever heard the term BHAG?  I learned it about a year ago .  It stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal.  The way it was presented to me, and the way I presented it to a small group recently, is when God interrupts our stability with an out of the blue idea that is not sourced in human creativity.  That is a BHAG!  Can't we say that God's promises and covenant with us as believers are BHAGs?  We believe in God's promises but they are not created in our human understanding and thoughts. 
I have been reading the story of Abraham.  In Genesis 12:1-3 the Lord tells Abram, soon to be Abraham, to leave his land and go to a foreign land where he will..."make you into a great nation."  Then in Genesis 12:7, God also tells Abram, "I will give this land to your offspring."  Now, Abram was married to Sarai and Sarai was barren.  But still, Abram believed they would have offspring.  Years go by and still no offspring to begin the great nation so Sarai has Abram produce an offspring through their slave girl, Haggai, and Haggai gives birth to Ishmael.
Okay, BHAGs are BHAGs because they are not birthed in human creativity, but when we have a BHAG or promise from God, isn't it easy to look humanly at our surroundings and just help God out a little.  I have a dear friend who likes to help God out and last year she clearly heard God say, "Get out of the warehouse!"  God was challenging her to trust Him and to let Him execute the plan he had for her.  We want to help move things along, but we do not see things as God sees them.  Sarai believed God's promise to Abram but as time passed anxiousness set in and she found a way to 'fulfill' the promise within their current human circumstances.  The problem is God does not view things through our human circumstances or environment.
Then in Genesis 17 God reconfirms his plan for Abram and even changes his name to Abraham, and Sarai's name to Sarah, as a testament to His plan for them to produce offspring.  Abraham was 99 years old at the time and feeling the weight of his years he looks through his human view of the current circumstances and suggests a plan of action to God.  "If only Ishmael were acceptable to You!"  (Genesis 17:18)  He was trying to meet God's BHAG for his life within his current circumstances and through his human view of the situation.  But he missed the fact that God is not human and sees through a completely different lens, one with no limits and no ceilings, one full of divine inspiration.
The deal is " Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us..." (Ephesians 3:20)  When we look at our environment and circumstances and forget who God is, we cripple the opportunity for BHAGs.  God has a BHAG for each of us, but He does not need our help in achieving it.  He needs our willingness, our obedience and our step of faith.  Abraham could not possible see how he would become the father of nations and although he tried to help along the way, he finally gave up and let God.  Once his son Isaac was born, God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, which would mean no father of nations for him.  But in this case, instead of looking for another way, in his human view, he went forward in faith.  As they walked to the altar, Isaac asks where the lamb is to sacrifice, Abraham simply answers with, "God Himself will provide..." (Genesis 22:8)  Abraham had learned to trust God for His promise and not to try to help God along the way.  He was a different person than he had been earlier in his life.
As the year begins, what BHAG has God presented to you?  Maybe a parenting BHAG?  I know that God has a plan for me to intentionally disciple my kids this year.  Now I do not have a super clear curriculum and I do not see the end of the journey or how it will impact our family, but I am trying to listen daily and put together a lesson at a time.  I am truly seeking the Lord in this process and know he will provide, but BHAGs can be scary.  Any challenge is scary, isn't it?  But I rest in Ephesians 3:20 and hope you will either join me or find a parenting BHAG of your own.  Allow God to interrupt your stability this year and don't try to help him along the way.  Get on the faith bus and see where it leads.  You never know the heavenly stories you will have to tell next January!
By His Grace