Saturday, February 11, 2012

More Than You Need

A BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is scary because you can't see the details that lead to the final goal.  A BHAG could also be something that you want to do but don't know what the end result will be or what the final outcome looks like.  Being honest, I have been struggling with the BHAG of discipling my kids for the year.  A false start last summer has made me wary.  Then I read Exodus and found my inspiration and the voice of the Lord.  Yes, Exodus!

We all know what happens in the beginning of Exodus; the plagues, the Israelites leaving Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, and more.  But what struck me this time was toward the end of the book.    The Israelites were now free from Egyptian rule and the Lord wanted to dwell among His people.  Exodus 25:8 says, "They are to make a sanctuary for me so that I may dwell among them.  We know through Christ's death we are now the Lord's dwelling place, His tabernacle and sanctuary and He also desires the same for our kids.  He wants to dwell in them.  Now, in Exodus, the Lord gives very detailed instructions on how to build the sanctuary, but remember they had never seen a tabernacle or sanctuary.  They had been in Egypt with the pyramids so, building a tabernacle would have been a BHAG for sure!  The building of the tabernacle was a step of faith and the Lord had a detailed plan for it, as well as a goal and a benefit for His people.  The goal was for God to dwell with His people (Exodus 25:8) and the awesome benefit of the process is found in Exodus 34:10b.  It says, "All the people you live among will see the Lord's work, for what I am doing with you is awe-inspiring."  Wow!  Stay with me here, building a tabernacle had to be awe-inspiring because they had no idea of the ultimate beauty they would behold, they had never seen one.  But they followed God's instructions to the letter and watched it come together before their eyes, all to His glory.  I am not sure what discipleship for my kids looks like in every detail or every moment, but I know that if I trust in God and follow His direction to the letter, what I witness will be awe-inspiring!

And it gets better!  God had a plan, of course.  He gave specific people specific skills that were used in the creation of the tabernacle.  In Exodus 36:2 it says, "And Moses summoned Beazalel, Oholiab, and every skilled person in whose heart the Lord had placed wisdom, everyone who heart moved him, to come to the work and do it."  I may not have all the wisdom but I know that my heart is moved to disciple my kids.  So it is time for me to come to the work and do it.  And the Lord did not stop with the building of the tabernacle encouragement there.  In Exodus 36:7 it says, "The materials were sufficient for them to do the work.  There was more than enough."  Thank you, Lord!  I have all the materials I need, in fact I have more than enough, if I rely on Him and submit myself to His voice and plan.  We are mothers and parents for a reason and that is to enable God to dwell in our children.  I want them to know and understand Him and His will, what He has for them, how to listen to His voice and to submit to His law and plan.

I was challenged by the Lord in the beginning of Exodus also.  I have resisted beginning this journey because I was afraid, felt ill-equipped and just dug my human heels in the ground.  When Pharaoh was being presented with the opportunity to let the people go, he would say yes to Moses and then his heart would be hardened.  Through each plague in Exodus chapters 7-11, it repeats after each plague: Pharaoh's heart was hardened.  We harden our heart toward the Lord also, when it is something we do not want to do or are unsure about, just as I did in beginning the discipleship process with my kids.  So, I have submitted and will begin! Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all you ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."   I am trusting in Him to lead the lessons, inspire me and my kids and watch a sanctuary be built in each of my kids.  We are beginning with what a disciple is and we are studying the bible through stories, which will appeal more to my kids.  I will continue to blog the lessons and activities that we complete so you can have your own discipleship experience with your own kids.  It promises to be awe-inspiring!

Only By His Grace