
We are all looking for resources and inspiration for parenting.  Here I list the books or bible studies that I am reading or completing or have recently made an impact on me. I pray you find them useful in your parenting journey to somewhere!

Lessons Kids Need to Learn, by David Staal
This inhabits my 'on deck' spot on my night stand.

The Price of Privilege, by Madeline Levine, Ph.D
This book addresses issues that are being found in the broad teenage society.  Issues such a depression, a lack of internal motivation, apathy toward life, etc.  While not a biblically based book, I took away a lot of nuggets to infuse my parenting.  It examines the over-emphasis on achievement (in every way, shape and form) that is impacting our children's lives.  As we try to prep them to be contributing members of society, we may have lost sight of the salient points that create a well-rounded individual.
"Our children benefit more from our ability to be 'present' than they do from being rushed off to one more activity.  Try to slow down.  It is almost always in the quiet, unpressured moments that kids reach inside and expose the most delicate parts of their developing selves."  -Madeline Levine

Learnings and Leading with Habits of Mind, Edited by Art Costa and Bena Kallick
This book and it's 16 essential characteristics for success had been adopted by my children's school.  While not biblically based, each of the 16 habits of mind can be found in the character of Christ.  Teaching children habits such as persisting, listening with understanding and empathy, responding with wonderment and awe, applying past knowledge to new situations, could provide a method for our children to put on the character of Christ daily and be what He was to our world.

Siblings Without Rivalry, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
This book provided me with practical methods for teaching my kids to get a long and to work out their problems in a manner befitting of people who love each other and are from the same family.  My biggest take away when siblings are fighting (quoted directly from the book):
1. Start by acknowledging the children's anger towards each other.  That alone should help calm them.
2.  Listen to each child's side with respect.
3. Show appreciation for the difficulty of the problem.
4. Express faith in their ability to work out a mutually agreeable solution.
5. Leave the room.

5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter, by Vicki Courtney
This study covers the 5 conversations that are important in parenting your daughter to be a Godly woman when she leaves your house.  This is not 5 conversations, as that might completely overwhelm you and freak your daughter out, but it is a million little conversations over the time God has entrusted her to you and are summarized in 5 topics.
I loved the final charge: In Nehemiah 4, the Israelites have restored the temple, and are now building the wall that will protect the temple and what God has created.  In wonderful biblical illustration, align that temple to our daughter's hearts.  As God works through us to build their hearts to be centered on Him, so we are also tasked with building a wall of protection around their hearts.  Isn't that beautiful and scary all in one moment?
"Stone upon stone upon stone, you are building a wall of protection around your daughter's heart.  The Bible, God's Word, is what we take into battle." -Vicki Courtney

5 Conversation You Must Have with Your Son, by Vicki Courtney
I begin this study with a group of women this Friday so watch for commentary or insights.

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