Sunday, April 17, 2011

From Challenged Parenting to Called Parenting!

Parenting is not easy, can we start with that basic understanding?  There are times when we want to be left alone, or want to do something that seems more fun to us that playing with a ball in the pool or moving game pieces around a board for the 100th time.  My son loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and has read each of the books at least a couple times.  When he is going to bed and I am about to leave his room he inevitably calls me back and says, "Mom, can I read you just this one paragraph?"  What's  a tired parent to do?  What I want to do is say, "No, I am tired and I don't want to!  And additionally that Wimpy Kid is not funny to me!", but what I try to do, although not always successfully, is to be patient and listen to that one paragraph.
Parenting is a challenge, it takes all of our energy much of the time.  What if we viewed it as a job given us by God?  Because actually, that is what it is.  We could go so far as to name parenting a calling.  Yes, believe it or not we are called to parenting simply by the fact that there are people younger than us that have been entrusted into our care.  It may not feel as if we were on a mountain and God himself came and looked in our face and provided a list of instructions for us to follow as he did with Moses, but imagine the power of parenting as if you were called.  What if our children reaped the benefits of us believing that parenting is a Godly calling?  If we challenge ourselves to view parenting as a calling let me share a couple scriptures that might lead us daily.   
First consider :"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 
If we first love God and are called according to his purpose, in order for our children to find their purpose, we must be examples of how we found or are finding ours.  Do our children see us trying to fulfill our Godly purpose?  Do we even know what his purpose for our lives is?
Next think about: "We continually remember before our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."  1 Thessalonians 1:3
This is a huge one, read that scripture again.  Do we continually remember that our work is produced by faith?  Is your focus on your parenting days and actions produced by your faith in God?  Do we labor in parenting as if the very actions and conversations we have with our children have been prompted by God's overwhelming and powerful love?  Parenting for sure takes endurance.  Is our endurance inspired by our hope in our savior or is it an effort to just get through the day?
And what about: "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light."  Colossians 1:10-12
Wow!  Imagine if that was how we parented and what we were trying to equip our kids to live in.  The great endurance and patience part speaks to me.  Don't we need God's great endurance and patience to parent, to answer the same question yet again, to listen to their theory on why that caterpillar is moving the way it does?  Don't we want our children to claim their divine inheritance?  What does that look like and do we think about that daily as we shuffle them from activity to activity?  I just recently told my daughter, "Get ready you have a huge week!"  What?  Why?  She is 10!  What portion of her week is moving her to her divine inheritance?  I have to look over the calendar and see what I come up with.
The ultimate one for me is "For in him we live and move and have our being,  as some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring'" Acts 17:28
Last Sunday my son and daughter wanted to play on the church playground. Normally when this happens I hold their shoes and find a place to sit and we talk about where Mommy will be so we are all centered.  This time I wanted to go to the bookstore on campus (we go to a big church) and they wanted to play.  I was fine with the arrangement, then my daughter said, "...but what will I do with my shoes?"  I said, " You can put them in a location and remember where they are and return to them."  She replied, "But I am going to be moving around the playground."  I realized that at this point in her life I, and her Daddy, are her center.  She moves around in her day and continually returns to us, as her center.  What I desire for her is that she move toward the abiity to lean to God as the center in her life and, ultimately, return to him throughout her day, as her center.  Oh, can we be a little sad for a minute?  But we do need to equip them.  This is a process she will go through as she grows and as she learns to rely on his love and believe in his path for her.  But I have the wonderful opportunity to be a part of that process, in his love and guidance.
A dear friend of mine recently made the following statement: "We are only a generation away from extinction".  Now, this is true of many things and can be quoted in many situations, but in the context of Christianity I was shocked.  When I thought about it more, it is really true for each successive generation.  We are called to train our children to live and move and have their being in God.  I know WE will not let our children's generation lose the beauty and conviction of a life with our savior.  God only needs a remnant.  So, the next time you feel challenged, remember you are CALLED!
Look for more next Sunday!
By His Grace

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